Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011

Mt. Nasu - Weekend Bonus

This Wednesday's episode was too short. So I made another video.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Korea 3 of 9 - Tapgol Park

Editor's notes:

One of my friends likes to give me a hard time about my videos.

''Jerry, you talk so slow!''

She always pokes fun at it. Maybe sometimes I sound too much like an English teach, speaking to my students. In all honesty, it probably wouldn't hurt for me to talk a bit quicker. Maybe the next video I will go at full force.

This video was really slow. I always try to keep in mind all of my viewers. If you remember a few days ago I broke up where all my videos are being viewed from. Close to half of the countries where someone is watching, is not a native English speaking country. So for me to speak slow and sound silly to Americans is one thing but it also let's others follow along. I could do subtitles but that is a huge painstaking task.

Sorry deaf people.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Korea 2 of 9 - First impressions

Here is my first day exploring Korea. There was so much that was new to me. Korea is very different from Japan, extremely different. I had a great time! More videos on the way! SIX MORE!


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Top Ten Countries

After about two years of continuous posting on youtube, I have gained a subscriber base of just a little over 1,100. I'm always curious where my views come from and who is watching. Here are the Top Ten Counties watching my channel.

1. USA
2. Japan
3. U.K.
4. Canada
5. Germany
6. Australia
7. Netherlands
8. Mexico
9. Poland
10. Ireland

A pretty interesting block for the top ten!

As for male to female: 68% male and 32% female. I'm not completely surprised by this.

What age group do most of my videos do best in? 45-54 year olds! That is something that really surprises me.

As far as the rest of the world, I have around fifteen subscribers in the middle east. Most of which are in Saudia Arabia (they can watch my videos there?). Only five viewers from Africa (two in Morocco, two in South Africa, and one in Mauritius).

The second strongest group of subscribers in Asia is not S. Korea. I thought this would be the case since most of my videos thus far have been about Japan or Korea. The second strongest group is Malaysia. South Korea is number three! I'm sure this number will change over the next few weeks as most of my videos will be specifically about S. Korea. I have EIGHT more to post!

What is nice to know about all this information is that there are plenty of people who are interested in other cultures. I try to present a fairly neutral view about Japan but I generally sit on the more positive side. There is a lot that I could complain about living here but I try to stay away from that.

Anyway, a new video this Wednesday! It's going to be about my first reaction to everything I saw in Korea. A whole lot of ''Whoa, this is crazy!'' Things from fire hydrants, exercise equipment, subways, all of that stuff. Just a nice video of my being surprised with everything Korea had to offer!


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The last two Wednesday posts

I am sorry I neglected to post the past two weeks worth of videos. Sorry for being forgetful. Here they are.

Many more on the way.

Korea 1 of 9 - Getting to Korea